Excitement is building as we have recently started our final phase of our new medical and youth center. Once again what was once a vision and idea has become reality, God is so good! I always tell fol...Read More
We are breaking our projects into smaller fund-raising campaigns as we go along. The next step we need funding for is to put a roof on this building. The cost estimate was $7800 for our steal roof str...Read More
It has been absolutely amazing to sit back and watch God at work. Well, I guess sit back was not the right words to use because we have been full speed ahead trying to keep up! But there have been a f...Read More
Today we had 75 children come for lunch. I never want to turn children away. We will always find a place to seat them. We will also always find something to feed them. Today, we had no more tables or ...Read More
After 20 years of serving the LORD here in Guatemala, of all the visions that the LORD has given me, I am the most excited about this next project. After the back-to-back hurricanes flooded the first ...Read More
God has been so good to us as we continue to dream bigger, listen for that still small voice of the Holy Spirit, step out in faith, and give GOD the glory for what HE does through us. Each time we ste...Read More
We have been eradicating childhood diseases and malnutrition in this village for many years. About 4 months ago, we came upon a product called Chispuditos which is making a remarkable difference in th...Read More
We have a huge mess at the moment here on our campus in Guatemala. But the huge mess means huge progress. We have had to begin construction early for the septic for the entire campus due to a failed b...Read More
We have received from an anonymous donor a matching donation offer to match any donations up to $12,000 by July 15th. If you have been waiting to donate now is the time, which will double your donatio...Read More
Week by week we are moving forward with more and more activities at our Center of Dreams. We are blessed to have Melissa volunteering as part of her studies in social work. She is teaching the communi...Read More
Who was Willow Delaney Varner? Willow was the daughter of Ben & Corrin Varner, the fifth grandchild and first granddaughter of David & Beverly Varner, Founders of His Hands International. From...Read More
Another vision from the Holy Spirit turned into a reality. It still amazes me how God uses broken people that have a heart to serve and does amazing and wonderous things through us. This technology ce...Read More
It never ceases to amaze me at what can be accomplished when you put God first. In less than 2 weeks we were able to take an empty shell of concrete block construction and turn it into something beaut...Read More
We are in immediate need of short-term missionaries to help finish our Center of Dreams project in Guatemala. We need folks experienced in electrical work, carpenters to build cabinets, painters for i...Read More
I never cease to be amazed at how God works and provides. We take whatever gift God has blessed us with and offer it back up to HIM, giving HIM the glory, that is when the miracles begin! For the last...Read More
Each and every year we are blessed by the hand of God. It always amazes me at how much we can do with the little we have to work with each year. Each year as we offer up the donations to God and give ...Read More
We are beyond thrilled to move forward with the construction of our first Center of Dreams classrooms. When we take a breath and just bask in what GOD has done, we are humbled to tears. God never ceas...Read More
What may look like ordinary concrete steps, are so much more for us. Our goal and focus are always on an upwards direction, physically and spiritually. Steps are generally built to make a way for you ...Read More
How many times in your life have you had to borrow something? Usually, we borrow simple things like a book, chair or a jacket. But what about borrowing land to build an emergency shelter for your fami...Read More
Earlier this year we began a new teaching and agriculture project with the youth. From the very first planting of the seedling, I saw a spark in their eyes. You can read the previous story on our webs...Read More
It was around 8PM on a Sunday evening, we just came from a neighboring village. We were helping to resolve a dispute over a water line being replaced due to the torrential rains washing the dirt away ...Read More
The old saying we have all heard; “Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”, we have developed our own version. Teach a child to plant and you will feed him for a lifetime. Additionall...Read More
Throughout scriptures there is documented healings of all sorts of issues, in all sorts of ways. These healings continue today. Some through the laying on of hands and the prayers of the faithful, som...Read More
What do you see in the photo above? Do you see the craftsmanship of the builder, who with their bare hands, built this abandoned home with materials from the earth? What does this remind you of? Genes...Read More
In February 2022 God willing we will begin our second phase of construction. We will begin the site layout and construction of our retaining walls and drainage systems, and all our foundational footer...Read More
Just a few months back we were dedicating and inaugurating what will become a beacon of hope to this region. Our Center of Dreams will help to heal, educate, feed, and inspire the next generation of d...Read More
I often repeat this phrase, we are blessed to be a blessing. Can you imagine what kind of world we would live in if folks practiced this? Here is one example of a husband and wife team donating their ...Read More
I always say, “We are blessed, to be a blessing”. This year a very generous benefactor has tremendously blessed our little ministry, helping us make a huge difference in Guatemala (more on this in...Read More
Can you tell from these photos we are loved and are sharing love in the name of Jesus? It is such a blessing to hear “Hermano David” or “Hermano Giovanny”, being yelled by the children anytime...Read More
We have been dropping little hints here and there over the last several weeks on our social media accounts, as to what God has been doing through us. And some videos have been leaked early, but we are...Read More